For many in developing nations, their only source of water is full of diseases, and a BioSand water filter is the perfect solution. Stripping the water of its impurities, these filters can save families from illnesses and allow children to grow healthy and strong.
One water filter can save individuals and families from waterborne illnesses.
The construction of a water filter is inexpensive, and the materials, such as rocks and sand, are easily accessible all throughout nations where we serve. When the water runs through the filter, it comes out 98 percent pure, and it's so simple that a child can use it!
Watch the video to see the impact of a BioSand filter
With BioSand water filters being so inexpensive to construct, you have the opportunity to impact many throughout the nations where we serve. At only $30 per filter, it is easy to raise funds for many! Share Christ through the practical gift of clean water.
GFA World is dedicated to the most effective and efficient stewardship of resources, according to 1 Corinthians 3:12-14. Contributions to GFA are income tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. All gift options represent GFA's actual ministry efforts to meet the diverse needs of individuals and communities. GFA World seeks to use contributions raised for a particular ministry in furtherance of that charitable objective, but retains control and discretion over all donated funds to further its overall charitable objectives.