Brotherly love

Goal: Raise $500 for Persecution Relief

Brotherly love

Goal: Raise $500 for Persecution Relief






Message from Nicholas

Let's face it we will not be liked in this present world if we are truly born of God and follow Jesus the Christ and His commandments. His promise to us was to be with us and to see us through all we face do to life and do to our love and faith in Jesus as the only Lord and savior over all. Lets obey the Word of God by showing our love for our brothers and sisters in the Lord who whether they are free or in chains, blessed or beaten for the sake of our Only Lord Jesus the Christ that they are not forgotten in their sorrows and we are standing with them to fight the good fight of faith.

About persecution relief

Daily, our brothers and sisters on the field face the reality of persecution for their faith in Christ. It's not uncommon for angry mobs of anti-Christians to beat up believers, burn down churches and torture pastors

By contributing to persecution relief, you'll be a part of paying the medical expenses for believers, which can also include travel to bigger hospitals for treatment.

The funds will also be used to replace destroyed Gospel literature, rebuild houses and repair damaged church buildings, providing healing for all aspects of life touched by persecution-related attacks.

About GFA World


Since 1979, GFA has existed to fulfill one passion: See communities in Asia and Africa discover the same joy, hope and lasting peace we’ve found in Christ.

We serve to equip missionaries to minister throughout Asia. The projects funded through myGFA each play a significant part in helping missionaries serve more effectively and in transforming communities with the love of Christ.

Learn more about GFA »

Our Stewardship Commitment

GFA World is dedicated to the most effective and efficient stewardship of resources, according to 1 Corinthians 3:12-14. Contributions to GFA are income tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. All gift options represent GFA's actual ministry efforts to meet the diverse needs of individuals and communities. GFA World seeks to use contributions raised for a particular ministry in furtherance of that charitable objective, but retains control and discretion over all donated funds to further its overall charitable objectives.




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